Adi and Anita’s Wedding, 22 September 2012

Although I’m not sure I believe in institutionalised marriage these days, I’m always happy for my friends when they decide to tie the knot. Anit’s wedding was no exception. I was part of the wedding choir, which in the newly renovated church of St. Bernadette meant we stood on a balcony and saw nothing of the ceremony except the back of the bride and groom’s heads.

We heard days after that we sang a glorious John Rutter’s “For the Beauty of the Earth”. Someone in the audience even recorded it and posted it on Facebook!

The reception was held at the church’s canteen, which was a bit on the small side, but we ate, we drank, and we sure were merry.

Keti and Oggy were there and they brought Jann along. Jann must be the most well-behaved baby I’ve known! He did not make any noise throughout the ceremony and lunch reception that followed, although I would prefer less drooling to go with the silence too. I guess at his age that was one of the few things he could be expected to do. The whole child-caring thing still struck me as being too much work!

Wasn’t it a nice Saturday to remember?